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Services Provided By Kota Connections, Inc.

Employment Services

Employment Services - Kota Connections inc.

Kota Connections prides itself on communication with the client and their team.

Kota Connections provides three aspects of employment services that are listed below. One thing that is imperative to employment is that everyone is kept up to date and is on the same page. 

Input is always encouraged from all team members, but we are a provider that serves our clients. We take our clients opinion and desires as our number one priority. The clients we serve drive the ship in our employment services.

Employment Exploration

When clients know that they would like to work but need to find out a little more what they direction they are looking to work in, Kota Connections Community Employment Specialists (CES) are available to assist.

We can work on finding out what interests’ clients have and take a very personalized approach to finding a good field that someone has interest in. Our staff can do a Customized Employment process as well to really find that perfect fit for a client.

Employment Development

When clients need finding employment in a very timely manner, our CES team has proven to be top notch in gaining employment for our clients served. We do not have pre-existing relationships with employers. 

We take each client wants and desires into account when searching for a job they would like. Our staff can help in all aspects of searching from resume building and interview skills all the way through interview prep, application assistance, and interacting with hiring managers and employers. 

Employment Support

When a job is found, our CES team only provides 1:1 support through training at a job. After training our staff back off to provide check-ins with the client and employer. 

Our Employment team is very small, and we do not have the numbers to provide 1:1 support at a job for long term supports. We try very hard to talk with employers to get that support and assistance needed right from co-workers or natural supports at the job. 

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