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COVID-19 Pandemic Update

Kota Connections continues to provide services during the current COVID-19 Pandemic. Please reach out for more specific answers to any questions you may have. We are providing as many services as possible virtually and trying to minimize person-person interaction. We are utilizing ZOOM to meet with clients and teams as much as possible. We are providing one-to-one activities in the community if everything is safe. Masks are always to be worn by both staff and clients when services are being provided. Apartment checks are taking place outdoors in front of the client home. Employment Services are virtual as much as possible. In person services are provided on a case-by-case basis and gets approval from Kota Connections administration before it can happen. Please bear with us during this time. There is a lot of change in the world daily and we are doing our best to provide services in a safe way for all involved.

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